
Welcome to the blog of the bilingual section at "Doctor Francisco Marín" highschool in Siles (Jaén)

29 nov 2011

Sing with prime numbers!

Let's rap with prime numbers!

Let's learn the prime numbers from 0 to 100 singing with these friends!

11 nov 2011

History of maths

Como introducción, te propongo que veas el siguiente vídeo sobre la historia de las matemáticas. Te invito a que te fijes especialmente en los sistemas de numeración que se mencionan, y que ya has estudiado en clase. Espero que te guste...

10 nov 2011



These posters and pumpkins have been elaborated by our students in 1º ESO to celebrate Halloween.

Pictures taken by Paco Bravo at the English Department.


CLASSROOM LANGUAGE - stages in the lesson

Now you are studying bilingual 1º ESO, you will hear more and more English in your science and maths classroom and these expressions will sound familiar to you:

- Good morning everyone!
- How are you today?
- Let's start with the lesson now.
- Listen to me, please.
- Silence, please.
- Could you all listen to me, please?
- Come in.
- Go out.
- Stand up.
- Sit down.
- Switch on the lights / the computers
- Open your books on page ...
- Who can remember what we were talking about at the end of last lesson?
- Does anyone remember ..................................?
- I’d like you to get into pairs for this activity
- I want you to finish the exercises on page 16 now / at home.
- Do you understand?
- Do you have any questions?
- Let's check the answers.
- Well done.
- That's correct
- Good, you're getting better.
- Let me explain again.
- This is your homework for tomorrow.
- There is no homework today.
- Don’t forget your homework.
- Do exercise 10 on page 23 for your homework.
- It's time to finish.
- Have you finished yet?
- That’s all for now, see you Monday
- See you tomorrow
- OK, you can put away your things. See you next week.